Our Coaches:

The most comprehensive bodybuilding, powerlifting, and fitness lifestyle team in the industry.

Specialized and certified coaches in all realms of fitness have come together to create this one powerful training system. 

Welcome to Evolve Training Systems…

Ryan Dengler

Ryan has been coaching and training clients online since 2018. He has competed in 4 bodybuilding shows, 5 powerlifting meets, as well as other athletic endeavors.

As a coach, he has utilized custom PowerBuilding programming to combine both powerlifting (strength) and bodybuilding (aesthetics) to yield amazing results with clients.

He has over 9 years of training experience years and an extensive athletic background in football and baseball.

  • NPC Men’s Physique competitor and NPC Overall winner
  • ACTION Certified Personal Trainer
  • Coaching clients since 2018
  • Over 100+ clients transformed
  • 9 years overall training experience 

Ally miller

Ally is an online and in-person personal trainer who is passionate about all things fitness and nutrition. She specializes in strength training, weight loss, muscle building, body recomposition, and loves to help women of all ages transform their lifestyles.

She started coaching in college while completing her Kinesiology degree to be a healthy resource for girls struggling to navigate through misinformation and get started on their own fitness journey. She’s helped 75+ lifestyle clients both online and in-person achieve their fitness goals using a science-based approach.

  • B.S. Applied Physiology & Kinesiology from the University of Florida
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Completed an extensive strength & conditioning internship at Dynamic Sports Training working with professional athletes
  • 8 years of training experience
  • Over 75+ clients transformed
  • Evolve female head coach

Jacob Shalvey

Jacob has extensive experience in the fitness industry, assisting people in optimizing every aspect of not only their performance, but health & well-being as well.  He has competed in 4 bodybuilding shows, and has a powerlifting background alongside deep involvement in athletics. 

As a competitive bodybuilder and contest prep coach, Jacob has a track record of every single client placing top 5 or better in their open classes, and believes anyone can accomplish great things when they have access to the right approach. 

  • Nearly 10 years of experience in the health and fitness field

  • Specializes in physique transformations and bodybuilding contest preparation

josh bensur

Josh is our head powerlifting coach. He is a coach and competitor with a passion for helping athletes thrive in the sport of powerlifting. 

With nearly 10 years of experience in barbell sports, he has worked to maximize lifters results in the squat, bench, and deadlift. He believes in a data-driven approach to training, combining consistency and sound methodology to maximize a lifter’s potential.

As an athlete, his personal milestones have been competing at events such as USAPL Nationals, Collegiate Nationals, and the Arnold A7 PRO Raw Challenge.

He’s helped athletes achieve impressive results, including four top-five finishes at Collegiate Nationals, as well as first-place wins at Collegiate Nationals, IPF University Cup, and Powerlifting America Junior Nationals

Evolve Coaching Includes

Custom Training Programming

full custom meal plan and macro programming

private app access

24/7 text support

weekly in-depth video check-ins

progress tracking (bodyweight, training, photos, etc.)

Private elite team groupchat

discounted bloodwork/labs to optimize training outcomes

recipe guide e-books

evolve merch

A Truly all-inclusive coaching experience

See some of our amazing transformations we’ve provided for our clients below.

⇩Apply to work with evolve training systems below⇩

Fitness, made simple.

Here to give you the tools you need to become the strongest version of yourself. All of our coaching methods are backed by science no matter what your goal may be. Tailored coaching for everyone and here to deliver an experience and community never seen before.